Sunday, August 22, 2010

Sunday morning...the day before school starts...

Good morning! It is 9:30 am here and I am watching This Week with Christiane Amanpour and having my coffee. No one is here to make my breakfast so I guess I will just have more coffee. Phil and the boy went to the club to play golf. Well, tomorrow the boy goes back to school--sophomore, you know. So much has happened over the summer...I have a new love--It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia and grilled peanut butter & chocolate syrup sandwiches (which I believe is called "a charlie" on IASP.) Very very good so I try not to make them very often. They sort of taste like a peanut butter cookie with a tiny bit of chocolate. I bet they would be even better with nutella. But then, what isn't? (Oh good, George Will is back from vacation. Even though I don't agree with him--I like for him to be in his seat every Sunday morning.) Well, that is all for right now. I am trying to write on this a bit every day to stay in the habit of writing. Thanks for your time.


Kerri said...

I too love Sunny in Philadelphia. We are constantly quoting it. I love to see Charlie freak the heck out!

Tumbleweed said...

Yes, Charlie freaking out is the best--last night we watched "Charlie goes America all over everybodies ass" Attica! Attica!