Monday, November 12, 2007

My long awaited return...

I must start with an apology for taking so long from the last blog. I have shoulder problem that can only be described as weird. To quote the doctor, "I think I know what it is but it usually only happens to women over 80." I am awaiting a call to schedule an MRI. They think it is some weird bone growth. Julie, however, thinks that she has it figured out. She thinks that it is a bone disease that is just too lazy to move to the other bones. That might be true--as you know, I have found that the less I do, the less people really expect of me. After all, I have totally given up on being a good mother--I am sure that many things I do will have lasting damage on James. I won't think about that know, after all, tomorrow is another day. (and as God is my witness, I will never eat a root again.)
I went on my mission trip last week and got back sunday around noon. I am not going to ge into details--I will call you if you want them--but let me just say that kids are just not my cup of tea. They said that I would not even notice the not being able to bath thing, but they were dead wrong. That is why on friday afternoon, I broke down and washed my hair with some very yucky water. I am just very glad to be home. On a good note, the doctors that went saw about 175 patients.
Well, friday is the big day. We are going to Mallorca to see Phil's parents

I am sorry for any misspelling. My shoulder is killing me.

love me


Kristi said...

eeeeeeeek, mallorca. i want to hear/see all about it. even more than i want to hear about dirty kids and smelly hair. oh i am green with envy.

Shelly said...

Have a great Thanksgiving sojourn! I can't wait to see what you bring your twin.:) love, sparky

kc said...

susan, i missed you and would get angry when i still saw the "fiber" entry. though you know i love it... so, you have another twin? besides me & kris? well i think we all want treats... have fun, pal!!

Kristi said...

Be safe, come home soon, and have a GREAT time!!

ps...Twins must pass the Jerry Vestal test.
