Friday, October 19, 2007


Here is a little number I've had a lot of luck with. I hope you like it too.

----Peggy Lee

Never knew how stopped I was up
Kept eating cheese all day
Till I put that brain inside me
That fiber did clear the way

Oh, give me fiber
Bulk and roughage
Fiber cause I want to feel light
Fiber, in the morning
Fiber ‘fore we sleep at night

Incomplete evacuation
Make me feel so out of sorts
Feels like something died inside me
Time to try some water sports

Oh give me fiber
Bulk and roughage
Fiber cause I want to feel light
Fiber, in the morning
Fiber ‘fore we sleep at night

Meats from yesteryear still bind us
Larded up and feeling blue
Spare me diverticulitis
Sweep me lord, through and through

Oh give me fiber
Bulk and roughage
Fiber cause I want to feel light
Fiber, in the morning
Fiber ‘fore we sleep at night

Let me know if I have left anything out and I will fix it.


Kristi said...

very touching! i can see "her" singing it now...

kc said...

Oh how this song revolves thru my jetlagged mind, as my intestines recover from travel. Whoooo....

kc said...

PS. There was a restaurant in London called "The Larder." I'm not sure just how different all the terms are betwixt our two nations, but I'm pretty sure in Southern CA, that name would never fly...

Kristi said...

you forgot a verse that still needs to be written, 'bout... "fiber when ya go a-campin" ...ook.