Sunday, November 6, 2016

Kerri, I need a drink on the beach stat!!!

Yea, that's right. When I visited Kerri an age ago, she fixed me a nice vodka orange juice combo and took me to sit on the beach. Today, the weather was overcast and very moist and for a moment, I had a deja vu of that wonderous time. Then I remembered that I was in TX, and the twins were far away. ah the sadness...
I finally did my hair and it is pink--like my avatar on yahoo in case you were wondering. The other night at church one of my friends came up to me and said that she had seen me talking to the preacher. She asked if I thought that the preacher could take me serious with my pink hair. At first, I was, okay, your right, I was not offended cause I have often wondered if the preacher does take me seriously. But of course, I think taking myself too seriously would cause much trouble.
Today is only Wednesday and that makes me sad. I don't think that this week will ever end. Ok, that is my bitch for the day.
Now I am going to list a few things that make me happy and I hope that you have a lot of luck with them too.
1. that giant martini glass I always see at wal-mart
2. orange pens--I emailed the Pilot company asking for orange pens and can you believe that they sent me a reply telling me that they don't send out special requests and I woul have to buy the pens in a multipack like every other person. What nerve!
3. the fact that my dog has no feelings for Phil except comtempt--I can really get behind that
4. sonic ice, need I say more
5. cold weather--A person of my weight should really live in a cold climate.
6. green chilis
Well, I shall close here. I am sorry that I don't have a funny story for today but if you read back a few days and change "english/Language Arts" to "math" and "ELA teacher" to "math teacher," you will begin to see a pattern emerge. I am thinking about just sending out a mass email to all of James' teachers and saying I know he is a bit of a clown and yes his father and I are working on it. And yes, we will tell him to study more. I am going to call it my pre-emptive clown strike.
I hope that you all have a wonderful day.

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