Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Dora, Backpacks, and Coop-ens!!

I don't know if anyone out there is still subscribing to this but am going to try and write again--not every day but often. I haven't written since before we moved to Waco and that was a very long time ago, so I will give up an update of what has happened in list form:
1. House, job and the Boy's school are all good.
2. Still writing on the thesis--I know, I am slow and kind of pathetic.
3. New puppy named Biskit.
4. The Boy is playing the bass guitar--very very well.
5. My life theme-song is "Basketcase" by Green Day. Appropo, no?
6. We are slowly teaching the Boy to drive.
7. I still hate hot weather.
8. My oven caught on fire on the first day of school as I was making cookies for the Boy.
9. The Boy is in high school.
10. I went to a motorcycle rally over the weekend and saw Dr.Hook and Bad Company.

I had so much fun with my friends at the bike rally. We say motorcycles, hell raisers (saw them/were them, whatever,) dare devils, drank some good beer, and watched a great concert( see above.) Sherry R.G. and I met up in Snyder and then met up with some old friends and just had a crazy time. I still love her so much and think that she is one of the most fun people I know. The best part of all, however, was that I got to hang out with one of the dearest friends I have ever had. We reconnected again after nearly, nearly 20 years and I am so glad to have that friendship back in my life.
Let me just say also, nothing makes a girl feel good about herself like a bike rally. First of all, I don't look to rough so that was better than some. Second, those bikers totally dug us. After all, we were way cute--2 1/2 lids worth someone once said. That means alot, I think.
I shall close here for today thanking all of you for your continued interest in my ranting! YOU ROCK!!!

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