Thursday, October 15, 2009

Later, that same day...a list of what I want.

1. Dr. Pepper
2. To not get weird vibes from friends.
3. A really good recipe for something Italian with tuna in it. I am currently working on this one.
4. A copy of Tender Mercies and The Alamo--the one with Billy Bob Thornton as David Crockett and Dennis Quaid as Sam 'em both!
5. Really Really Cold weather.
6. Stronger will power.
7. My puppy to be 100% house trained.
8. Spicy shrimp and garlic bread.
9. Lonnie Broadaxe on Hulu.
10. An explanation of why Serius plays Cars music.

I would like to thank you, the fans, God and my mom! Peas out!


Sara said...

I would like to add:

11. For a certain someone to pull his head out of his ass.

12. For that money tree in the backyard to BEAR FRUIT, GODDAMN IT!

(and you forgot to thank your agent.)

Tumbleweed said...

You ARE witty on my blog!

Tumbleweed said...

You ARE witty on my blog!

Shelly said...

What or who is Lonnie Broadaxe? I have been wanting to watch Tender Mercies for approximately six years and no one will watch it with me. sigh.